We’re shaking things up a bit for the November meeting, kicking off with a beekeepers’ garage sale, followed by discussion of the coming club elections. The second half of the meeting will begin with Q&A, follow by the main topic. Since it’s an election month, what better time to consider the many uses of political signs in your apiary?
7:00-7:15 Garage sale setup
7:15-7:45 Garage sale and tea time
7:45-8:00 Announcements
8:00-9:00 Q&A, midwinter hive check, a beekeeper’s use of political signs
For the garage sale: members, bring beekeeping-related stuff that you’d like to sell or barter.
Even more importantly, members, please consider nominating yourself or someone else for board positions for the coming year.
Meetings are 7:00-9:00 pm on the first Tuesday of each month at Meadowbrook Interpretive Center (directions to Meadowbrook). Meetings are open to the public.