Tired of the same old Langstroth hive design? Want to try other home types for the honey bee? Then come for the May 5th meeting where Tel Jensen will be discussing alternative hive designs and low intervention beekeeping.
Also a reminder that Charles Schaffer and Bob Combs will be giving a hands on Apiary lesson at 6pm, weather permitting.
6:00 – 7:00 | Hands On Apiary Lessons by Bob Combs and Charles Schaffer Queen Marking, with Charles Schaffer |
7:00 – 7:30 | Beginners’ Session: Basic Bee Principles by Robert Clark This month Robert will be going over
7:30 – 8:00 | Tea Time |
8:00 – 9:00 | Alternative Hive Designs and Low Intervention Beekeeping by Tel Jensen
Tel will be presenting on alternative hive designs and low intervention beekeeping. Tel will also be available to share his experiences with bait hives and cut-outs!
Meetings are 7:00-9:00 pm on the first Tuesday of each month at Meadowbrook Interpretive Center (directions to Meadowbrook) and are open to the public.