6:45 – Check-in and membership renewal
7:00 – Bee-ginner Beekeeping Q&A – Dave and Todd will do a quick recap of the Winter Beekeeping presentation from last month with a Q&A/panel discussion following.
7:30 – Refreshments and club announcements
8:00 – Dave won a Honey DNA Analysis at the summer picnic. This analysis lets you know which plants your bees visited to collect the nectar. He will be sharing the results with the club along with an explanation of how the technology works and some of its limitations.
When: 7:00-9:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 4
Where: Meadowbrook Farm Park, 1711 Boalch Ave NW, North Bend
Who: Everyone! You need not already be a member to attend – feel free to come check out the club