When: Tuesday, January 5, 7:00 p.m.
Where: Zoom meeting: https://zoom.us/j/92391693233?pwd=dkQzOC9kVFljeFZscEtHcXlVUTE4QT09
To start 2021 off on a sweet note, our program will be all about honey.
Carla Marchese, from the American Honey Tasting Society, will tell us all about honey – the taste, the color, and the love.
We figured it would be good to start with something that is unique, interesting, and positive. We will return to fretting about winter hive loss, varroa, and murder hornets later.
And, to make sure we fully spread the honey love, we want everyone to join us, even if you haven’t visited in a while or haven’t paid dues. It would be good to see everyone’s smiling face.