When: 7:00-9:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 3
Where: Meadowbrook Farm Park, 1711 Boalch Ave NW, North Bend
Join us January 3 for our first meeting of 2023. Please join us in person at Meadowbrook Farm.
Our meeting schedule will be structured as follows:
6:45-7:00: Grab a snack and find a seat
7:00-7:45 Guest speaker presentation/Q&A
7:45-8:00: Club Announcements/Grab another snack
8:00-8:30: Beekeeping 101/Monthly To-Do’s/Q&A
8:30-9:00: Social time and clean up
Our guest speaker will be Dave Schiefelbein from Elite Honey and Bee. He will be talking about where nucs, packages and queens come from as photographically documented and through his visits to California over the past decade.
Growing up in rural Minnesota Dave Schiefelbein was rarely indoors. His childhood backyard was cornfields and hay barns. As a young adult, he graduated to climbing remote mountains for his outdoor fix. Documenting those climbs with a camera led to a career in photography where his specialty was creating images that were artistic interpretations of the natural world. Dave loves work that is attached to nature. Beekeeping suits him well. Dave is now a professional beekeeper and bee consultant. Through his company Elite Honey and Bee he sells packages, nucs, and queens. He has 80-100 bee colonies dispersed in backyards throughout the Seattle metropolitan area. He teaches beekeeping classes and sells his raw honey online and at select retail outlets. His photographs and articles related to beekeeping have been published in Europe and the United States including Bee Culture, American Bee Journal, and the Wall Street Journal.
We will finish the evening with a brief presentation about what beekeeping activities you should be doing in January to maintain your hives and prepare for the upcoming season and a Q&A session to allow those in attendance an opportunity to ask any burning (stinging?) questions to which they will get multiple conflicting, yet correct, answers to. It’s also a great opportunity to meet and chat with your fellow local beekeepers!
As always, guests are welcome to attend. Come check out our club!