August 2023 Club Meeting

Please join us next Tuesday night for our August club meeting in person at Meadowbrook Farm.

Our meeting schedule will be loosely structured as follows:

6:00-6:45: Apiary Demo
6:45-7:00: Grab a snack and find a seat
7:00-7:30: Guest speaker presentation
7:30-7:45: Q&A
7:45-8:00: Club Announcements/Grab another snack 
8:00-8:30: Beekeeping 101/Monthly To-Do’s
8:30-9:00: Social time and clean up  

This month’s guest speaker will be Randon Hodges of Double R Honey Farms.

Randon Hodges is the owner of Double R Honey Farms in Yakima. Double R Honey Farms offers central Washington farmers and orchardists pollination services. The company also produces large quantities of different varieties of honey and operates a well-stocked retail store featuring beekeeping supplies, gifts, and honey. Learn more about Randon here.

There will be a brief presentation of the beekeeping To-Do’s for August and a Q&A session. The Blackberry flow is over and the Fireweed flow is tapering off. As you prepare to harvest this summer’s bounty the colony’s bee population will begin to dwindle while the Varroa population begins to spike. What’s a beekeeper to do? This will be a brief presentation to go over the tasks for August and an opportunity to ask any questions or address any concerns you have with your colonies.

Apiary demo: Don and Jacob will be leading our apiary demo from 6:00-6:45 p.m. We kindly ask that anyone wanting to attend bring their protective gear. Safety first!

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