Today, May 3rd at the monthly meeting we will hear about the swarming seasons and how to trap them for free bees. Robert will be presenting on basic beekeeping for all the new (and those that want to be new) beekeepers! Also this is the first month of the apiary lessons, so come early and learn about managing the hives.
Note, that if you have not renewed your membership for 2016 be sure to see Andy Matelich at the meeting.
6:00 – 6:45 | Apiary – In person Training by Charles Schafer Charles will be marking queens in the Apiary from the packages installed that were installed last week. It should be a nice sunny day so come out early and enjoy. |
7:00 – 7:30 | Basic Beekeeping by Robert Clark Packages are going to be installed soon and those overwintered colonies are building up quickly with the abundant pollen and nectar. Charles will explain what April brings for the bees and the beekeeper. |
7:30 – 8:00 | Tea Time |
8:00 – 9:00 | Swarm Trapping Techniques and Stories from the Field by Bob Combs and Mike Skripek Bob and Mike will talk about trapping swarms and sharing stories of those huge 10 pound swarms. So if you want to know how to trap them or what you need come and hear. |
Meetings are 7:00-9:00 pm on the first Tuesday of each month at Meadowbrook Interpretive Center (directions to Meadowbrook) and are open to the public.