October club meeting

When: 7:00-9:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 4
WhereMeadowbrook Farm Park, 1711 Boalch Ave NW, North Bend
Where: Zoom meeting: https://snovalleybees.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d34ff71fcdf8adc9277ade000&id=ce4657bc4d&e=d617d2aeb0

Cory Marchand of the Snohomish Bee Company will be joining us in person tomorrow night to talk about winterizing your hives. Last year, Cory’s presentation on keeping your hives warm through the winter received fantastic reviews, so we asked him for an encore performance.

…and due to COVID concerns, we are making it a hybrid meeting

With the weather getting colder and the potential for rain, we will be holding our meeting indoors tomorrow night, but will also offer a Zoom option for those who would prefer not to be inside.

We have a new system we will be trying, so we welcome your feedback.

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