When: 7:00-9:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 2
Where: Meadowbrook Farm Park, 1711 Boalch Ave NW, North Bend
Where: Zoom meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/92391693233?pwd=dkQzOC9kVFljeFZscEtHcXlVUTE4QT09
Tuesday night is our November meeting and we will answer all of your overwintering questions.
Winter is coming, and it is time to make sure your bees have what they need to stay snuggly and warm. We’ve got a few tips and tricks for you, and we will attempt to answer your questions.
And the last hybrid meeting went so well, we are doing it again.
The system worked well last time, so you can join us at the Meadowbrook Farm or on Zoom.
Those who attend in person will probably enjoy a bounty of leftover Halloween candy brought by members.